Reality Bites?
World AIDS Day .. and how ironic .. it has a meaning for only a handful of people.. and to call it World AIDS day!
We had this program in our college which we were coordinating and in the process of which i happened to realize why exactly AIDS is a threat.
The simple picture I saw before my eyes was amazing..Right in the auditorium and the same people who had bought tickets ..
walking out of the auditorium due to " LACK OF ENTERTAINMENT" a term which i will be explaining after a few lines.
We had called this 'An Awareness' program .
The few reasons why AIDS is a threat -
-Unwillingness to Know
-Lack Of Education
Unwillingness to Know-
An awareness Program aims upon spreading quality information among the people who are unaware of
a situation enabling them to act accordingly.
What do you do when people do not want to know?
That is in itself a totally frustrating situation for people who want to make a difference.
Attitude is something that has to change.
So back to the scene in college .. we air a documentary showcasting the spread of AIDS among the youth and how we can make a big change
So what wud a documentary on AIDS have? Certain people dancing on top of a train to"chaiyya chaiyya"??
If u can't take the fact of two people making out(in according to me ,the most decent way possible to show making out..)
or the fact that there are homosexuals in the world , or the fact that there are brothels run in the world
or the fact that rape happens.. in real life... and no hero comes in to save the situation..
what do you know about the world?
what have you learnt in the 20 years of ur life that you have lived?
you simply walk out? when people tell u to not do the very thing and critise them for showing offensive stuff in public?
And what do u do after all this?
Go home & Watch Porn behind closed doors?
Walk out on the truth and drive away on your Boyfriends vehicle and make out in a secluded park under a tree?
Height of Hypocrisy!
yes.. one more thing.."lack of entertainment" - they want entertainment,
entertainment in the form of groups of people dancing away to 'Ishq kameena' in glittery costumes
with a piece of cloth saying WOrld AIDS DAy somewhenre hidden behing the stage..
and leave with an entertained afternoon and with ' song ontheir lips".
A change from the routine? An expose to real life ?
Simply an 'I dun care attitute'!
Yes! you wont ..why would u?! A case of I Dont have it. and I'll never get it.
You will come back to us when u get it and it will be too late.- something they will not understand.
They are graduating.
They have a board in bold black letters at the entrance of the building
Proclaiming,"This College is aware of HIV/AIDS."
ANd they call themseves Educated, these women.
All this in a country with 1 billion+ population.
Too many bird and bees flying in the country??
I dont even think i can write anymore about this ..
I can only tell how difficult it is going to be to fight against AIDS.
I can only hope it wont be too late then.
But some how, to me, AIDS is worth fighting for. Now, more than earlier.
P.S. Flyers that we had used. Courtesy- Poo
The Prognosticator