Saturday, November 26, 2005

'My friend has been falling everywhere since 2 days..
I told her one day she'll fall asleep.'

(This is one is dedicated to AUSTRALOPITHECUS my inspiration in life fer such quality posts)

whoz laffing??

*strains to hear atleast one laugh at the joke!*

Love ,
The Prognosticator who has lost it ..!

Depending on the deeper meaning of laughing, the post could be very thought provoking.
u shud have an applause cue card flashed before this post
it kinda helps u know
@apoo: hehe how come I dint thnik of that?? may be bcoz i m not as despo as u are!hah!!
@ganty:*flashes a cue card*!! lafflaff!!
falling friend reminds me of falling stars... did you tell your friend that she could be a star... and i am laughing ... can u hear it... HA HA HA... [this is not laugh on the joke... this is laughing on you]
@iyero:anything man anything..!!
--i have stopped laughing--
Yeah! It's good to fall once in a while... especially in love... but a fall from grace is avoidable :)
"ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ha ha ha..."(*clutches his tummy and rolls on the ground* )

*now with a serious look on his face* .."ok now u owe me one!"
boss u have frozen the posts
hullo we need more banal shit in life
so please post
@ganty: there u go!
@srikanth:REally do i owe u one more of those?
@seema:"fall fom grace".
U shuld see her in her grace then:d
Thanks fer stopping by.
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