Fartology...the science of foul gas!
A post dedicated to all who would want to get educated in this discipline of biological sciences.
The following is is a question and answer session - The distinguished professor and his international seminar on farts.(inputs from the recorders like me who has been immensely glad to have visited this Rare seminar . U see... the Doctor is always too busy with research projects. )
Dr.Farty Fartinson, Phd.
Dean, department of Fartological sciences,
University of Farton, USA
A.The sounds are produced by vibrations of the anal opening. You can see proof of this in the close-up video footage of Carl Plant's fart on Mate-ina-state art. (seriouslyyy???? some one made a close up footage?? The guy did it?? in front of cam?? awesome!! such dedication towards one's work and the thrist to solve world's greatest mysteries such and admirable character this proffesor is !!)
( Which dumbass asked this question?? and the prof had to really answer this??
BTW.. we fart 14 times?? a day??? that gas can be used as natural renewable source of energy we need to tap this potential!!!)
(Dint' the guy ever fart?? and thank you prof for that valuable fact..!! i will remember everytime i eat!!)
(May their souls fart in peace !!)
(sheeeeeeessshh!!! gender bias even in farting??!!!)
Q.How can one cover up a fart? (most intelligent question award!!)
A.These are the various ways -
The following is is a question and answer session - The distinguished professor and his international seminar on farts.(inputs from the recorders like me who has been immensely glad to have visited this Rare seminar . U see... the Doctor is always too busy with research projects. )
Dr.Farty Fartinson, Phd.
Dean, department of Fartological sciences,
University of Farton, USA
Q.Where does fart gas come from?
A.The gas in our intestines comes from several sources: air we swallow, gas seeping into our intestines from our blood, gas produced by chemical reactions in our guts, and gas produced by bacteria living in our guts. (DUH!!!! that was a very scientific answer.. very informative bythe way most of us dint know!!)Q.What makes farts stink?
A.The odor of farts comes from small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas and mercaptans in the mixture. These compounds contain sulfur. Nitrogen-rich compounds such as skatole and indole also add to the stench of farts. (Hogging too much in parties ...and saving expense at home make farts stink !!)Q.Why do farts make noise?
A.The sounds are produced by vibrations of the anal opening. You can see proof of this in the close-up video footage of Carl Plant's fart on Mate-ina-state art. (seriouslyyy???? some one made a close up footage?? The guy did it?? in front of cam?? awesome!! such dedication towards one's work and the thrist to solve world's greatest mysteries such and admirable character this proffesor is !!)
Q.How much gas does a normal person pass per day?
A.On average, a person produces about half a liter of fart gas per day, distributed over an average of about fourteen daily farts.( Which dumbass asked this question?? and the prof had to really answer this??
BTW.. we fart 14 times?? a day??? that gas can be used as natural renewable source of energy we need to tap this potential!!!)
Q.Why do farts come out of your butt?
A.The butt is the location of the anus in humans, and by definition, a fart is an anal escape of intestinal gas. We should be grateful that we are not crinoids. The crinoid is a marine creature with a U-shaped gut, and its anus is located next to its mouth.(Dint' the guy ever fart?? and thank you prof for that valuable fact..!! i will remember everytime i eat!!)
Q.How long does it take fart gas to travel to someone else's nose?
A.Fart travel time depends on atmospheric conditions such as humidity, temperature and wind speed and direction, the molecular weight of the fart particles, and the distance between the fart transmitter and the fart receiver. (ohh okay!! i thot it really depended on the pressure temprature curves which accord to the isochoric processes..the vapor pressure of the gas expulsed is directly proportional to the reaction of the reciever. huh..? what did i just say??)Q.Is it true that some people never fart?
A.No, not if they're alive. People even fart shortly after death.(May their souls fart in peace !!)
Q.Do even movie stars fart?
A.Yes, of course. So do grandmothers, priests, kings, presidents, opera singers, beauty queens, and nuns.( Thank you again for that assurance proffesor!!(I thot I was the only one farting in the world!!......cant' stop laffing though!!!!)Q.Do men's farts smell worse than women's farts?
A.Scientific studies of farts show that women's farts have a higher concentration of odor-causing gases than men's farts, but men's farts have a larger volume. The two factors equalize out (the same number of stench molecules for both), so the odor is about the same.(sheeeeeeessshh!!! gender bias even in farting??!!!)